Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Preparing to Leave, Once Again

As I sit here and think of all I have to accoplish before Monday, it is hard not to be overwhelmed. I have so much work to do in the classroom and here at the apartment to get ready for company this weekend. Mr. Halbert and Alex are coming, and we are greatly looking forward to the visit!! I have been so humbled this week to see how perfectly God's plan for me has fell into place. Never would I have imagined that the school would allow me to leave for whatever amount of time I needed! Over the last two weeks, my heart has been heavy with emotions that I myself cannot even express. The Lord knows my thoughts, desires, struggles, and feelings in a deeper way than I do. I have been very blessed with wonderful support here at school, and through my wonderful husband. He will not be able to travel with me for this trip, which is extremely sad for us. He has more responsibility to be here during this time.
Please be in prayer that my flight on Monday will be on time and that my connection in Houston will go smoothly. I don't mind flying by myself, but it is definitely kind of lonely. I am very thankful to be going, and I cannot complain about my circumstances at all! Thank you for your prayers!

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