Thursday, January 24, 2008

Time Flies!

Time has flown by, and I did not realize it had been this long since an update.

The weekend after we got back, we drove to San Pedro (about 4 hours there) to pick up our luggage. Our friends Day, Leslie, and Laura went with us just for the ride. That was nice to make the trip not quite so boring. I would have slept much more if they were not in the car! Thankfully, our luggage was there when we got there. It was all about to be put on a bus to send here, so it was wonderful that we got there when we did!! You can't always trust that noone will bother your things on a bus when the owners are not present.

The second week of school was better because we had gotten a little more rest and felt more refreshed. My students are not supposed to speak Spanish anymore, so those first two weeks were pretty quiet! :) They are learning more and more, and it is adorable to watch them try! It is Spanglish more than English right now.

Aaron got back into the routine pretty quickly and has had soccer practice twice a week. We are starting a new thing tonight for all the 9th graders. Every Thursday night, we will have 4 of them over for dinner. This is a good way for them to get to know me and get to know Aaron better outside of school. I only know a few of his students, but most of them know who I am. They are so excited about coming to our home and seeing how we are here.

Thank you for being patient with us about updating our blog. You may not think so, but things are very busy around here. I have been so busy keeping up with Catherine's site that I kind of forgot about mine! We thank you for praying for us!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Henry Forrest Flemming

We were very sad to hear last night that my grandfather passed away in his sleep. I am so thankful that we were able to see him over the holidays. He was a special part of the Flemming family. Aaron and I had just walked in our door to hear the phone ring, and his Dad had called to relay the message from my family. One of the first thoughts that came to mind was "How can I get back for the funeral?" The funeral is tomorrow, and seeing that my luggage is still lost somewhere between Ft. Lauderdale and Honduras, there is no possible way to make it there. My heart aches to know that I will not be there for all the family, but I know the Lord will give them all the comfort they need.

Please be in prayer for the family today and tomorrow as visitation will be tonight and the burial tomorrow. Jan-Jan (Janice Flemming) is doing as well as to be expected, after losing her husband. Please pray for her as things are very busy now and things will sink in more as everything slows down. Her five childern will be taking good care of her!

More to come later, but I wanted everyone to be able to pray. God's timing is perfect, even though we wish that we could be there for everyone.