Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cold days in Honduras

So, last week was the first time we were out of school for a "cold day." I know what you are thinking- "It gets COLD in Honduras?" That is what I thought at first, until this cold front came in. The temperature is not unbearable on these kinds of days with it only getting into the 40s a little at night and in the mornings, but mostly in the 50s. The difference here is that there is no central heating in the school, apartments, or any building, really. Therefore, it is very hard to get warm. The classrooms hold moisture and the coldness, so teaching becomes difficult. Also, the parents of all the students do not like to send their kids in on these days. So, the school has to cancel school on such days. We missed 3 days last week!

This week is Spiritual Emphasis week for the high school. They have speakers named Rick, Mick, and Brandon. Rick and Mick are twins, and Brandon is the son of one of them- I can't remember which one. They are hilarious!!! Aaron has gotten to know them pretty well because they are VERY outspoken and funny. Kindergarten was left out the the school assembly yesterday morning, so I asked them to come visit us. They not only visited, but they sang and told jokes for the entire kindergarten for 30 minutes!! My kids loved it, and it was so special!!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and Mark Fleenor is coming to visit us! I am going to try to cook a Thanksgiving meal, sort of. If you have any great recipes, let me know! I am up for suggestions. I have to go shopping on Saturday morning, so get them to me before then!! :)

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